Special Programs » KITS


Junction City is excited to provide the Kids In Transition To School (KITS) program again this summer for incoming kindergartners!  To learn more about this opportunity for you and your child, click here
Kids in Transition to School – or KITS – is an evidence-based school readiness program developed at the Oregon Social Learning Center. The program provides a boost to children’s literacy, self-regulation, and social skills just prior to kindergarten via a system of positive teaching and behavior change strategies. The program focuses on both children and their families.

For Children

The school readiness groups are structured like a kindergarten class. The curriculum concentrates on:

  • Early literacy skills (e.g., letter names and sounds, concepts about print) during the summer
  • Early numeracy skills (e.g., recognizing numbers, counting)
  • Self-regulation (e.g., teacher-preferred skills such as sitting still and raising hands)
  • Social skills (e.g., cooperation, sharing, recognizing others’ emotions)

For Parents

Parents attend workshops weekly that focus on:

  • Ways to increase early literacy skills at home.
  • Establishing school routines to help with transition to kindergarten.
  • How to become involved with their children’s schooling.
  • How to encourage positive behaviors at home and school.
KITS Interest Form - KITS Formulario de Interés
The KITS program will be offered for FREE and IN PERSON to incoming Laurel and Territorial kindergartners and will be held at Laurel Elementary School in Summer 2024.